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Colorado Oil and Gas

Colorado Oil and Gas

Nowhere in the country is the collision of oil and gas development and residential neighborhoods more profound than on Colorado’s Front Range north of Denver. A growing fossil fuel industry, with more than 40,000 wells on the Front Range, competes with exploding residential growth for the same land but with very different values.



Environmental portraits by Ted Wood, shot for magazine clients, including Vanity Fair, Smithsonian, Outside, Details, The Nature Conservancy and others.

Tracking the Ghost Cat

Tracking the Ghost Cat

John Squire’s research is at the center of an effort to protect the lynx and its forest in one of the biggest conservation deals in history — a joint project between The Nature Conservancy and The Trust for Public Land to purchase 310,000 acres in Montana from Plum Creek Timber. More information is available at […]

The Siberian Altai

The Siberian Altai

The Altai Mountains in southern Siberia are part of the huge Altai-Sayan Ecosystem, where Russia, Mongolia, China and Kazakhstan come together.  This beautiful alpine region provides important corridors for species like the snow leopard and argali that cross between the countries.