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Lost in Migration – Copper's Threat to Alaska's Salmon

Lost in Migration – Copper’s Threat to Alaska’s Salmon

New science is pointing to a dark future for the Bristol Bay salmon if the controversial Pebble copper mine is developed.  This video looks at the effects a massive mine development would have on salmon in Bristol Bay’s most productive sockeye spawning rivers.  What science has uncovered are the effects of minute amounts of copper […]

Return of the American Bison

Return of the American Bison

On March 19, 2012, 63 genetically-pure Yellowstone bison were rounded up in a holding facility near Yellowstone National Park and relocated to the Fort Peck Sioux and Assiniboine reservation in northeast Montana.  For the first time in more than 100 years, pure wild bison returned to their historic range.  For the Native people it was […]

Tapped Out – The Upper Colorado on the Brink

Tapped Out – The Upper Colorado on the Brink

Tapped Out – The Upper Colorado on the Brink

In Colorado, most of the population in Denver and other Front Range cities rely on water diverted through pipelines and tunnels from the Upper Colorado River on the west side of the Continental Divide. Today, most of that water is used to water lawns and gardens. Two new diversions are planned, which will siphon up to 80 percent of the Upper Colorado’s waters. Explore the dilemma of how to provide water to millions without killing the West’s most storied river.

Teton Canyon – A Wild Legacy at Risk

Teton Canyon – A Wild Legacy at Risk

In 1976, a controversial dam on Idaho’s Teton River failed spectacularly, flooding downstream cities and killing 11 people. Three decades later, plans to rebuild the dam have met with stiff resistance from an unusual collection of opponents. Take a trip down this wild river with The Story Group and witness the gorgeous canyon that people want to preserve.